Board & Staff

Meet the people that power the work behind Historic Charleston Foundation.

2024 Board of Trustees


Anne H. Blessing, Board Chair
David Maybank III, Vice Chair
Lawrence W. Gillespie, Secretary
J. W. Cantey III, Treasurer
Zoë L. Stephens, Past Chair


Jessica Aaron
C. R. Allen II
William E. Applegate IV
Eddie Bello
Molly Craig
Virginia W. Deerin
Sarah R. Dollens
Brian C. Duffy
James S. Gallant III
Glen Gardner
Shawan Gillians
Vincent G. Graham
Sarah-Hamlin Hastings
Cynthia H. Hayes
M. Roch Hillenbrand
Margaret M. Rash
Ruth M. Ravenel
F. Patricia Scarborough
Anne G. Tinker
Molly Waring
Frances L. Webster

Active Past Chairs

W.E. Applegate III
Frank W. Brumley
T. Heyward Carter Jr.
Robert L. Clement III
Jane P. deButts
W. Foster Gaillard
Wilbur E. Johnson
Joseph H. McGee
Harold R. Pratt-Thomas Jr.
Richard W. Salmons Jr.
Anne F. Smith
Park B. Smith, Jr.
Susan Parsell Thompson
W. Crayton Walters III
Bradish J. Waring
J. Rutledge Young, Jr.

Trustee Emeritus

Katharine S. Robinson

National Advisory Council (NAC)


Mr. and Mrs. William R. Beak
Lindsay Marshall and Courtenay Beebe
Ingrid Johnson and Gary Bunton
Mr. and Mrs. Van C. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. DiCamillo
Mrs. Eric G. Friberg
Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Gedge
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Gillespie
Mrs. Joan Hackenberg
Anne Tinker and John D. Henderson II
Mr. and Mrs. M. Roch Hillenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Keigher
Mr. and Mrs. William Loughridge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McLain
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. McSpadden, Jr.
Joseph D. Messler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Oehler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Rash, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Rash, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Strawn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Vandivort

For more information about Historic Charleston Foundation's National Advisory Council and its benefits, please reach out to Carolina Richards Bennett, Manager of Strategy and Partnerships, 843-720-1183.

Staff Profiles