Union Pier Meeting Charleston

Advocacy Issues

Sustainable solutions to preserve Charleston's historic fabric

At the core of our mission, the Foundation advocates for Charleston’s future through the engagement of important community issues.

Charleston faces complex issues that threaten its historic character and quality of life - from saving historic structures, curbing displacement, and development to water mitigation and tourism management.

As the number one tourist destination in the United States, Charleston’s allure has sparked unprecedented growth. Partnering with citizens, government officials, and other organizations, the Foundation is working to create sustainable solutions to manage growth while preserving Charleston’s fragile historic fabric.

Advocacy in Action

Advocacy Initiatives

HCF is engaged on several community issues - from the Peninsula Plan to the redevelopment of Union Pier. Our team also regularly attends meetings for the Board of Architectural Review, Board of Zoning Appeals and the Planning Commission in addition to both City and County Council to continue to be informed and engaged. 

Growth & Development
Water Plan
For the first time in Charleston's history, the city is comprehensively examining its relationship with water in an aspirational vision for the future.
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Growth & Development
Union Pier
A Once in a Generation Development Opportunity
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Growth & Development
Settlement Communities
Communities throughout Charleston County are facing an ever-growing threat of development pressure and displacement.
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Flooding & Sea Level Rise
Dutch Dialogues
The Foundation has prioritized flooding as a major threat to the preservation of Charleston and will commit staff and resources towards advancing viable solutions.
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Advocacy in Action

Get Involved

Since 1947, the Foundation has established a legacy and authority in Charleston’s preservation through decades of successful initiatives and good work.


Advocacy Issues in the News