Winslow's Word: March 2023

Historic Charleston Foundation is proud to be launching the website. is a community resource to better understand, keep updated, and engage with the time-sensitive Union Pier development. Through the website, viewers can access media articles and op-eds to read and understand all there is to know about the Union Pier port terminal redevelopment. We have provided this resource so the citizens of Charleston can be in the best position to determine the direction forward with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.. We urge you to visit the website, assess the plans and information, and make your voice heard with the City Council by submitting your thoughts through the website portal.

The Union Pier development is the most significant development in the historic district in many generations and it is critical that the public weighs in and has its voice heard. Let your City Council members know your thoughts and sign up for news and significant milestones. It is important for them to fully understand that the process is in their hands! They can control the timeline and ensure that adequate public engagement is promoted. We cannot let this incredible opportunity for Charleston be left to fate or to the desires of a commercial developer trying to maximize profit on this public land within a very compressed timeline.Make your voice heard. Make it Charleston!