2020 Festival Suspension

Dear Festival of Houses and Gardens ticket holders,We hope this post finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. As you may know, this annual spring festival mounted by Historic Charleston Foundation brings literally hundreds of visitors to Charleston each year to access lovely private historic homes and glorious gardens.Our plans came to an abrupt halt with the onset of the Coronavirus and the necessary steps toward containment dictated by the CDC and the City of Charleston. We are reaching out to ask for your patience while we process the high volume of ticket refund requests. We are working at full capacity, but it may take a few days before you see the evidence of your refund, and it often takes a few days for the transaction to show up on your credit card statement. Please trust that every transaction will be accurately executed.We are very grateful for your support of this major fundraising event for Historic Charleston Foundation, and we hope to see you at next year's Festival in March of 2021.Stay safe!