October 9, 2023
HCF News

A Legacy of Giving

Liza Holian
Marketing & Communications Manager

If you are reading this article, I will assume that you are philanthropic in nature and are supportive of non-profit organizations and causes whose missions are meaningful to you and your family.

Hopefully, Historic Charleston Foundation is an organization you support or will consider supporting with an investment of your time, resources, and/or talent. HCF has a long record of successful advocacy initiatives which have protected the cultural, architectural, and historic assets of this 350+ year old community. I cannot imagine how Charleston would look today without the work from the Boards of Trustees, Staff, and HCF constituents powered by the investments of like-minded donors over the past 76 years. The impact of our donors’ investments since 1947 is immeasurable and is immensely rewarding to those of us who are here today to witness the results of those successful advocacy, education, and preservation initiatives.

October 17-23 is National Estate Planning Week. As you reflect on your own legacy giving, we ask you to consider including the Historic Charleston Foundation in your estate plans. A bequest in a will is a powerful way to leave a lasting impact for a meaningful mission, and you can decide how your gift is to be used.Did you also know that some planned gifts can reduce federal estate taxes for your heirs?There are many types of planned gifts, and your financial advisor or estate planner can help guide you through each vehicle to plan the best path for you and your family. Thank you for considering HCF in your estate plans.

-Blair Phillips, Director of Development