Classical Art at the Aiken-Rhett House Museum

The Institute of Classical Architecture and Art (ICAA) has teamed up with Historic Charleston Foundation to showcase the talents of young professionals and students in the captivating setting of the Aiken-Rhett House throughout the month of November. This collaboration represents a remarkable convergence of artistry and craftsmanship beautifully displayed in this historic and unique space.
The preserved-as-found Aiken-Rhett House Museum lends itself beautifully to contemporary works of art inspired by the same skills and approaches to craft as the 1820s mansion. Considering submissions from across the country, a distinguished jury selected nearly 60 of the finest examples of contemporary interpretations and applications of classical design to include in this show. Open through November 26, this is the only time this collection of artwork will be on view for the public.
This exhibit is open during regular business hours at the Aiken-Rhett House Museum and is included with admission pricing. The Aiken-Rhett House Museum will be closed Thursday, November 23 and will reopen at 10 am on Friday, November 24 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Purchase Museum tickets online or at the door.*Exhibit preview from the Opening Night Reception, November 3, 2023:[gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="10184,10185,10186,10187,10188,10189,10190,10191,10192,10193,10194"]**The Aiken-Rhett House Museum is not ADA compliant due to its historic nature. This exhibit is included with the price of Museum admission and only open for view through November 26. Please note holiday hours: Thursday, November 23, Thanksgiving Day: CLOSED