The Lost Architecture: September Edition

The answer is 104 President Street. There’s no history on this building in HCF’s Archives. What is known is that it was located on the southeast corner of President and Cannon streets, served as rented rooms or apartments and operated as a corner store for many years, including Cash Carry, Mike’s Semi-Self Service and Tom’s Victory Fruit Store. A note written on the back of the photograph indicates that the building collapsed (no date indicated). However, in 1980, the owner requested a variance from the Board of Adjustment to renovate the house, and in 1991 the owner requested a variance to allow for the construction of 6 new dwellings on the site. Therefore, it’s assumed that the fall of the building must have been sometime in the 1980s. (News & Courier and Evening Post advertisements and public notices accessed via the database “America’s News—Historical and Current.”)