Register for Army Corps' Proposed Perimeter Wall Plan Webinar on May 6th

We've heard from many of you who have questions and concerns regarding the Army Corps' recently released Tentatively Selected Plan (aka the 3 x 3 Study) for the peninsula. To help demystify the plan and give you a guide on focus points in the 240+-page document, we are delighted to host a repeat webinar THIS Wednesday, May 6th at 3pm.Join HCF's President & CEO Winslow Hastie and Mark Wilbert, Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Charleston, as they discuss the plan, its timeline, its potential ramifications for the peninsula and the most relevant details in which the public should engage.HCF, like many of its peer organizations, is advocating for an extension of the Corps' 60-day public comment period. However, since it has already been doubled from 30 to 60 days given the current circumstances, we cannot assume that additional public comment time will be awarded. Public input is critical, and we want constituents to have the tools you need to make informed decisions. We're honored to be leading in the public engagement and education effort behind this momentous decision for our community.Advance registration is required by the GoTo Webinar platform. As there is such a huge demand to participate, kindly cancel your registration should you find yourself unable to attend.Registration and webinar link: ID168-900-387To participate by phone:(213) 929-4232Access Code: 668-447-270