Request for Qualifications for Rehabilitation of Pine Tree Hotel

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONSRehabilitation of Pine Tree HotelMosquito Beach, James Island, SCThrough the attached Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF) invites accredited professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction industry, especially those with historic preservation project experience, to be considered for the rehabilitation of the Pine Tree Hotel. Submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2020 at 5:00pm*.To read and download the Request for Qualifications, please click this link:
- Questions and Answers - Updated Weekly
- For those seeking additional information about the existing conditions of the Pine Tree Hotel, the attached pdf is a report done this spring by graduate students in the Clemson/ CofC master’s program in Historic Preservation (MSHP). Contained within the report are background history, and some documentation of the building, including some measured drawings.
!! UPDATE !! Although we find ourselves in uncharted territory with the COVID-19 pandemic, we anticipate that the deadline for RFQ submittals will remain March 31st. If that changes, we will update this website. Many thanks!* Due to the ongoing COVID-19 health issue, Historic Charleston offices at 40 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC are closed. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to send submittals/ proposals in a digital format rather than using regular mail. Please send RFQ / proposal materials by March 31st via email to You may send as PDF(s) or other easily accessible documents. Please be aware that our system limits attachments to a maximum size of 50MB. Alternatively, you may upload your submittal to an FTP site. Just send an email with the link and retrieval instructions. If you cannot reasonably email your proposal, please send an email to that effect to and we will make alternative arrangements. Q: The RFP mentions sending Part A and Part B in separate sealed envelopes. Now that we are submitting electronically do we need to do anything about sealing the RFQ? A: Please submit Part A and part B as separate files. Thank you!