Short Term Rental Enforcement Update

Short Term Rental Enforcement Status by the numbers. Reported by the City of Charleston as of November 6th, 2018.1,649STR units advertised· 2055 advertisements were listed prior to the start of enforcement.· 972 under review for confirmation· 642 advertisements confirmed (advertisement matched with address)· 145 compliant (approved and permitted)· 200 not compliant145Letters Issued for Non-compliant listings· 60 August· 60 September· 25 October23Cases taken to court· Sixteen cases were heard by Livability Court in October· Seven cases were heard by Livability Court in November· 22 convictions and 1 dismissal60Total # of summons issued· 35 summons issued between October 29th and November 9th643# of advertisements removed· Number of advertisements removed since enforcement began· 127 of these are a direct result of enforcement of department22# of new permits issued· 22 new permits issued· 383 total permits issued (existing B&B’s and overlay properties)· 89 under review