The Lost Architecture: July 2019 Edition

The answer is 39 and 41 Calhoun Street, two of the houses known as “The Three Sisters,” also known as “The Borough Houses.” These three picturesque residences at 37, 39, and 41 Calhoun Street were demolished in 1962-64 despite the protests of preservationists, including Frances Edmunds, executive director of HCF, who had met with the owners numerous times in an effort to save the houses. They were located at the southeast corner of the intersection of East Bay and Calhoun Streets and were regarded as a "gateway to the old and historic district." They were two-story single houses built of Carolina gray brick, nearly identical, stood on deep lots that extended south from Calhoun Street. (News & Courier, July 22, 1985.) Another photograph that shows all three houses in context can be seen on our Online Catalog