Union Pier Updates - Prepare for June 7 Meeting

On Wednesday, June 7, the City of Charleston's Planning Commission will hold their most significant meeting on Union Pier thus far. At the June 7 meeting, held at the Ports Authority Passenger Terminal, 196 Concord Street (yes, you read that correctly), the LA based developer Lowe will have nearly an hour to present their current proposal outlined in the latest Planned Unit Development (PUD) application. In stark contrast, HCF and other members of the public will have just one minute each. Charleston NEEDS your voice and your attendance at the June 7 meeting to show the Planning Commission that there is a better way forward for Union Pier. Attend the meeting in solidarity with preservation organizations and community members submit your own comments or register to speak by Tuesday, June 6 by 12 noon.
What can you do?
- ATTEND the June 7 Planning Commission Meeting in person (and sign up to speak if you feel passionately!)
- SUBMIT comments by 12 pm noon, June 6 to the Planning Commission to be submitted into public record.
- BE BETTER PREPARED by exploring resources and information at MakeItCharleston.com
- CONTACT your city council person or other influential members of the community to voice your concerns. Download this Advocacy Forum Takeaway Card for more contact information
Ultimately, we are advocating for a community-led plan for the redevelopment of Union Pier.
Watch the full recording from the May 18 Advocacy Forum on YouTube for detailed presentations by Vince Graham (HCF Trustee), Faith Rivers James (Executive Director, Coastal Conservation League), Winslow Hastie (President & CEO, HCF) and Brian Turner (President & CEO, Preservation Society of Charleston) as well as a detailed discussion and questions from the audience.Part 1:
Part 2:
HCF is proud to stand in solidarity with Charleston based organizations including but not limited to: Charleston Black Lives Matter, Charleston Climate Coalition, Charleston Moves, Charleston Waterkeeper, Charlestonians for Responsible Development, Coastal Conservation League, Preservation Society of Charleston.