Winslow's Word: April 2023

Winslow Hastie
President & CEO

Last month we revealed the Make it Charleston website, a resource for information and updates on the planned Union Pier Terminal redevelopment. The public response has been overwhelmingly supportive with 3,480 emails being sent cumulatively to members of City Council. These emails show that residents are engaged and concerned about the future of Union Pier, and its negative impact on Charleston and its beloved neighborhoods. To that effect, we were pleased with a packed house at the first Planning Commission meeting for Union Pier, again proving that residents have legitimate concerns about the current direction of this massive project. This kind of active participation is vital to ensure that the identity and livability of Charleston remain issues of high importance, and that the Planning Commissioners, City Council and City Hall are aware of the collective concern. At the 2nd meeting of the Planning Commission meeting this afternoon at 5pm we are again counting on your voice to rally against unmitigated, inappropriate development.

April 5 rendering courtesy of
April 5 rendering courtesy of

Our collective push back is working; the Port has released a revised plan that addresses our request for more open space, but don’t let pretty pictures fool you. Their watercolor renderings (pictured below) are not reflected in the language of their zoning documents, and the language is what binds future development. With the intense development pressure that Charleston is experiencing, we have learned that zoning is everything. A wall of block-sized, 7-story buildings will be built if that is included in this plan. Let’s make sure that does not happen. Let’s Make it Charleston, truly!